
  1. May announcement

    May announcement of upcoming releases!

    Exciting News! Here is Dom with our big May announcement of upcoming releases. Get ready to see what's hitting stores soon, what's going up for pre-order, and what you can look forward to in the next few months.  Make sure to mark your calendars for some amazing new releases coming your way.

  2. Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory, Vow of Absolution

    Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory, Vow of Absolution

    Chris Colston is the lead developer on Wrath & Glory: Vow of Absolution, a Space Marine sourcebook with reams of lore, an armoury of devastating weapons, and a plethora of new archetypes to empower your next action-packed game of Wrath & Glory! Read on for some insights into Chris’s take on the Imperium’s most iconic warriors.

  3. The Laundry

    The Laundry: From First to Second Edition

    It has been nearly fourteen years since the First Edition of The Laundry Roleplaying Game was launched. Ah, those carefree days before the events of CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN. Times have changed, and so has The Laundry Roleplaying Game. But what has actually changed from the first to the second edition?

  4. The Ruins of Karaznethil

    The Ruins of Karaznethil

    Welcome back, once more, to the Mortal Realms! Today, in anticipation of the next release for Age of Sigmar: Soulbound, we’re here to give a quick preview of The Ruin of Karaznethil, a PDF precursor to the upcoming Ruins of the Past.

  5. The Laundry

    JUST LAUNCHED! - The Laundry Roleplaying Game

    The Laundry Roleplaying Game has just launched on Kickstarter! The Laundry Roleplaying Game is an exciting game of occult investigation, computational demonology, and ISO9001-certified and formalised spycraft. Based on the acclaimed The Laundry Files novels by Charles Stross, players take on the roles of operatives for Capital Laundry Services — Britain’s ‘extra-secret’ service.

  6. a-life-well-lived

    A Death Well Died

    Errata alert! After rigorous playtesting, we’re adding an extra step to the end of A Life Well Lived’s Lifepath system.

    The new A Death Well Died section allows you to roll on the Tragic Demise table to discover how your richly detailed character died before they ever had a chance to live a life of adventure!

  7. Egbert the Enchanter’s Eneggmatic Surprise

    Egbert the Enchanter’s Eneggmatic Surprise

    Happy Easter from us at Cubicle 7! Egbert the Eneggmatic Enchantor has created these surprising eggs and hidden them in your 5e games. 

    Check out the blog below to discover the whimsical effects of these mysterious magic items!

  8. Broken Weave

    Broken Weave - Available for pre-order now!

    Broken Weave is a brand new tragic fantasy setting for 5th edition, where hope and community are the only path to creating something new. The book includes everything you need to play, including rules for creating richly detailed characters, an in-depth guide to the Broken World and its people, and dozens of unique locations and terrifying monsters.

  9. St Patrick’s Journey

    St Patrick’s Journey

    Once upon a time, in a mystical fantasy world called Ireland, the fearsome Fomorians threatened the peace of the island. Four brave adventurers, Lenny, Conaire, Mona, and Ulysses, sensed the danger and vowed to warn their hometowns of the Fomorians.

  10. International womens day

    The Women of Warhammer

    Hey folks, I’m Ceíre, Operations manager here at Cubicle 7, and all round huge Warhammer roleplaying game fan. For this International Women’s Day, I’d like to shine a light on some of my favourite women featured in Cubicle 7’s Warhammer roleplaying games.

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